PlantSharp WIP AddOn
With WIP PlantSharp addon you can track in-process inventory during production processes:
- Monitoring and tracking in-process inventory during production
- Record of inventory quantities according to pallets, packages, and specific location
- Sync between intermediate warehouses management and the production process
- Interface between the WMS and the production processes
WIP Tracking inventory movement and integration with WMS help the factory connect the various inventories and manage the production with a real-time inventory status and graphic display.

PlantSharp WIP Key Values
Sync between production processes and in-process inventory management and production processes. Collaboration and knowledge sharing during production phases between the operators.
PLC Connectivity
PlantSharp works with any PLC, using Modbus protocol and internal network. There is no need to buy new equipment.
Mobile App
To complete the user interface experience, you can download PlantSharp Mobile App in order to track calls from everywhere.
The system display KPI of in-process inventory and WMS records is in real time, including quantities and locations that provide additional insights.
Compatibility to Industries
PlantSharp is suitable for a variety of industries such as: Food & Beverage, Medical, Pharma, Raw Materials: Plastics, Metal, etc., packaging, Electronics and Army.
PlantSharp stands with ESG and promotes sustainability, we are also certified with FDA, ISO 9001, and ISO 27001 regulations.
PlantSharp Recommended Add-Ons
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WIP Add-On enables you can track and manage in-process Inventory
Be Productive with PlantSharp
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